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Dovery Academy

The Knowledge Schools Trust

We aim to provide children with a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability.

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School Council

School Council

The aims of the School Council are to provide support to not only the school itself but also charities. Money raised for school is used effectively in order to make the school a better place.
School Council have led some Thursday assemblies where they can discuss their role and remind other children of their duties.
The School Council collectively think of ideas in how to raise money. Regular meetings take place and everything is well planned.

We are the school council and we have a voice


What we do

We ask children for any ideas or worries they have, or things they would like to change at school. We then meet as a team to talk about these ideas to make the school better, and make it more fun for everyone. We see if we can do anything ourselves first, then we decide if we need to speak to the teachers. After a school council meeting we have some time with our class to feedback any decisions or ideas.

We think the School Council is very important because it is a way we can tell teachers what the children think about the school and how we think it can be even better.


Why we like being on the School Council

We like being in the school council because:

It's fun

We get to make decisions

We get to meet and share ideas

We are part of making the school better


Well-being Ambassadors

The school councillors have been nominated as well-being ambassadors for Dovery Academy. We model and promote the school values:

Be kind

Be resilient

Be scholarly

Be inclusive

Be inspired


NSPCC Odd Sock Day

The theme promoted by the school council on odd sock day was to come to school wearing your 'kindness socks'. We asked each class to share ideas of how to be kind and then we chose four ways of being kind to focus on throughout the year.


CHUMs Shine Bright Wear Bright 

The school council raised awareness and money for a local emotional well being and mental health charity 'CHUMS' by asking everyone to come to school dressed in bright clothes. The theme for the day was  'AWESOME ME' and we asked each class to share facts about themselves. We then chose a range of facts to put on display sharing what we like, what we have achieved and what we are good at.