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Dovery Academy

The Knowledge Schools Trust

We aim to provide children with a classical liberal education, regardless of background or ability.

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SEND Support for Parents and Carers

SEND Support for Parents and Carers

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If you have a child or young person with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND), then think of the Local Offer as all of the services and support available to them and you as a parent or carer.

Here are some useful websites related to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities:

here are some useful agencies and phone numbers:

  • Central Bedfordshire Council SEND Parent and Young Person Partnership Service - 0300 300 8088

  • Bedfordshire and Luton Children’s Community Health HUB - 0300 555 0606 or email us:  ccs.bedsandlutonchildrenshealthhub@nhs.net

  • Carers in Bedfordshire- 0300 111 1919

  • Autism Bedfordshire - 01234 214871

  • Outside In - (ASD and ADHD support group) - 01462 813282

  • Child Development Centre - 01582 700300

  • Early Help Hub - 0300 300 8585

  • Leighton Buzzard Children's Centre - 01525 384368

  • Children with Disabilities Team - 01234 228709


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 Zones of regulation

At Dovery Academy, we use The Zones of Regulation to teach and support our children. Zones  teaches a variety of social-emotional skills to children, starting with early emotional skills and advancing on to self-regulation and navigating social situations.

The Zones of Regulation categorise our physical and emotional feelings into four, clear, coloured, zones  which pupils can easily identify.

It is a visual and structured curriculum that teaches children to develop their understanding of emotions  in themselves and in others, to understand how their emotions and behaviours impact everybody around them and they learn which tools they can use to support and manage their feelings.

Why are we introducing this in school?

  • To help children to understand the link between their emotions and their behaviours, as well as recognising these in others.

  • To create a common language for children to use to think about and describe their emotions and behaviours, thus developing emotional literacy skills.

  • To give children strategies to know how to manage when their behaviours can impact on their relationships and their learning, supporting them to have the best possible chance of success.

  • To help children learn how to self-regulate.

Guide to Zones of Regulations

Zones of Regulation display

Zones of Regulation 1 page guide